I don’t know… I’ve been seeing a little of the apparent outrage over the outcome of the Casey Anthony trial. To be honest, I’ve avoided a lot of it. I didn’t follow the trial so I really don’t have an opinion one way or another about her, but clearly she is a polarizing figure.

What does bother me is the vitriol that has been leveled at the jury for coming back with a “not guilty” verdict even though many of them have said that reaching that conclusion upset them. I believe one even said that she felt sick to her stomach.

The jury in this case does not deserve the lambasting and name calling that they’ve received. I, for one, applaud them.


Because the job of a jury is to evaluate the evidence presented to them by the prosecution and the defense. To evaluate that evidence fairly and without personal bias, and decide if guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If it has not – if there is a question as to a defendant’s guilt – then a jury must vote to acquit. They cannot – at least they should not – render a verdict based on their own gut feelings.

Maybe Casey is guilty, maybe she isn’t. The only one who really knows is Casey herself. If she did kill her daughter, then I don’t think the justice system failed. I think the prosecution failed to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof rests with the prosecution (and I’m not particularly impressed with the prosecutor – he lost most of my respect with the “snickering at the defense” incident. Seriously? Try to be a little professional. Perhaps then there might have been a different outcome.).

However, I digress… If she is guilty, then I believe that she will get what is coming to her in whatever afterlife she believes in. And if she is not, then all of those who are still accusing her will need to answer for that.

But stop slamming the jury. They did their job the way the law intended them to do it. They should be thankedĀ for theirĀ service even if you don’t agree with their conclusion.