Hello world!

I’m Susan and I’m the one-woman show behind Blue Phoenix Communications.

Thanks to all of the entertaining upheaval in our economy, I am – like many in the country – now unemployed thanks to being kicked to the curb by Corporate America. It happened back in January and I’ve been job hunting and going to school (I’m a graduate student at Emerson College).

Being out of work has made me think about what I want to do (as cliche as that sounds). My background is in employee and internal communications and I really do enjoy that. I’d like to find a new position in that field. My Master’s Degree will be in communications management when I finally finish. But I’ve also been trying to keep busy and do some freelancing and that’s where Blue Phoenix Communications comes in.

This is my chance to put myself out there and build my own business. I know I have the experience and the know-how, and I’ve already gotten a few clients. Now it is time to start pushing ahead and really starting to build a client base.

I’m hoping to use this blog as a discussion format for observations about the freelance life and about communications topics in general. Thanks for checking this first post – I hope you’ll visit again soon.