Okay. I’m well aware that I’m not the only one looking for a job. I get that. I get that the competition is fierce and employers have the luxury of being very, very picky. They can pick a candidate who really does match every item on the job description.

I have many years of experience in an internal communications role and – unfortunately – many of the roles I am interested in are in corporate communications groups, and they want you to have media or PR experience. This is something I just don’t have. In my old company Internal Comm was in HR, and PR was in Marketing. I hear now that they are combining the groups. Doesn’t do me much good now.

I also take responsibility for not putting as much variety into my career as I could have. That’s on me and I’ve learned my lesson. No one in a corp comm function wants someone who only has internal comm experience. Non-profits don’t want me because I’ve never worked in the non-profit sector. Pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested because I don’t have healthcare or science experience.

I won’t bore you by continuing the list; you get the picture.

Right now, I’m working on my Master’s Degree in Communications Management. I’ve taken several classes about PR and PR management and Public Affairs… I understand the fundamentals. I also know that an academic understanding is not the same as real-world, professional experience. So, I need a role that will give me that experience.

So, I have been sucked into a vicious circle: I can’t get a job without the experience, and I can’t get the experience without the job.

Anyone else out there swirling in the vortex with me? What do you think?